Foot eczema can be a challenging condition that causes discomfort, itching and redness in the feet.
This can interfere with daily activities and affect overall foot health. Proper treatment of foot eczema is essential to relieve symptoms, prevent the condition from worsening and maintain healthy skin.
In this article we will review some useful tips for preventing foot eczema and what to do if you already suffer from the phenomenon.

Keep your feet clean and dry

Maintaining foot hygiene is essential both for the prevention of foot eczema and if you already suffer from the phenomenon. Wash your feet daily with lukewarm water and a mild, unscented cleanser. Then dry them gently to ensure that there is no moisture between the toes. Dirt and moisture can worsen eczema symptoms and increase the risk of infection, so it's important to keep your feet clean and dry throughout the day.

Moisturize regularly

Moisture is key to managing foot eczema and preventing dryness and cracking. Apply a therapeutic foot cream to maintain moisture on the feet, paying close attention to the affected areas, after washing and drying them. Moisturizing at least twice a day, or as needed, is key to maintaining healthy skin.

Choose your shoes wisely

Choosing the right footwear can make a significant difference when it comes to foot eczema. Choose shoes made of breathable materials, such as leather or mesh, to allow air circulation and reduce sweat build-up. Avoid shoes made of synthetic materials, as they can trap excess moisture and worsen symptoms. In addition, choose shoes that provide plenty of room for the toes and avoid tight shoes that may cause friction and irritation.

Avoid irritants and allergens

Identifying and avoiding irritants and allergens that trigger foot eczema is essential in dealing with the condition. Common triggers include certain soaps, detergents and harsh chemicals. Stay away from these as much as possible. Additionally, be aware of potential allergens, such as specific fabrics, colors, or certain materials used in shoes or socks, and avoid them if possible.
Reduce the stress

Stress can trigger or worsen eczema symptoms, including foot eczema. Apply stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, yoga or meditation to help reduce stress levels. Finding healthy ways to relax can have a positive effect on your overall health and may help ease symptoms of foot eczema.
Consult a healthcare professional

If the home treatment for eczema of the foot does not help, then it is worth seeking help from professionals in the field. They can provide a correct diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatments, external or medicinal, to eliminate the phenomenon and alleviate the symptoms.


In conclusion, treating foot eczema requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on cleaning, moisturizing, avoiding triggers and adopting healthy habits. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine and seeking the help of professionals when necessary, you will be able to avoid